Diabetes puts you at a much higher risk of developing foot problems. Being aware of this will help you look after your feet.
Nerve damage
Damage to the nerves can lead to a loss of feeling which means you may not notice an injury or wound to your foot; reduced sweating due to nerve damage can result in hard cracked skin, and foot ulcers can occur. Nerve damage can also, in rare cases, lead to bone and muscle weakness which can change the shape of the foot.
Diabetes can also lead to ‘furring’ up of the arteries, causing reduced blood and oxygen flow to the feet. This can also increase the risk of foot ulcers which means wounds may not heal and can get infected much more easily.
What can I do?
It’s really important to check, wash and moisturise your feet daily; cut or file your toenails regularly; make sure you wear appropriate footwear and treat any minor cuts or blisters immediately. It’s also very important to attend your diabetes foot screening appointment every year. Keeping your blood glucose (sugar) level in the target range will significantly reduce the risk of any foot problems.
To find out more about diabetes and feet, register for our Understanding Type 1 Diabetes or our My Type 2 Diabetes online courses. There is also a list of additional resources about diabetes and feet below. For local services, have a look at the get local section of the website.
Register to access your GP health results
Not sure when you last had your feet checked? If you have diabetes you can register to access your GP diabetes health results through our patient access dashboard.
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In this video you will learn about foot risk assessments which you should receive annually, and how you can look after your feet every day.
This video explains how diabetes can affect your feet.
Having diabetes means you're at much greater risk of developing foot problems. This is because raised blood glucose, also known as blood sugar, can damage the sensation in your feet. It can also affect your circulation, which can lead to you getting less blood supply to your feet.
Some foot care advice to help keep your feet healthy when you have diabetes.
What happens at my footcare check
Useful information and advice from the Foot Action Group for patients with Charcot foot.
Some useful advice to help you to look after your feet.
This page gives you advice about wearing the most suitable shoes, taking into account the shape of your feet and your diabetes.
This page gives advice on how to look after a diabetic foot ulcer.
This page gives a brief explanation of the causes and effects of neuropathy.
Diabetes can gradually damage the nerves and blood vessels supplying your feet. This happens so slowly that you may not notice that your feet are less sensitive than they used to be. As your feet are less able to let you know when something is damaging them, it is important to look after them. This…
Your feet are important especially when you’ve got diabetes. If people manage their diabetes well most foot problems, including amputations, can be prevented. You can also dramatically reduce your chances of foot problems by taking good care of your feet.