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Image for Blood Pressure (BP) reducing your risks of complications

Blood Pressure (BP) reducing your risks of complications

(5 reviews)
Image for Cholesterol, reducing your risk of complications

This video discusses cholesterol and how careful control of it can reduce your risk on diabetes complications.

(2 reviews)
Image for Diabetes and Blood Pressure

Diabetes UK video explains what high blood pressure is and how you can reduce your risk of developing it.

(2 reviews)
Image for Diabetes and Cholesterol

Diabetes UK video explains what cholesterol is and how it can increase your risk of developing heart disease.

(1 reviews)
Image for The 3 treatment targets

This video explains the 3 treatment targets, why they are important.

(11 reviews)
Image for Heart Failure
Web Resource
Image for Cholesterol and Diabetes
External Resource

For most people, eating a healthy, balanced diet and being physically active is enough to keep cholesterol levels healthy. But for people with diabetes, it is important that you have your levels checked every year.

Image for Living with Diabetes and Dementia

Dementia can lead to problems with your memory and communication. This can make it difficult to care for your diabetes. Diabetes can also have an impact on your memory and understanding. This leaflet describes some of the issues that someone who has both conditions may face.

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